Talantul în Negoț 2023-2024


Talantul în Negoț  2023-2024

Psalm 119:11: “I have hidden your word in my heart that I might not sin against you.”

What is It?

Talantul în Negoț is a contest of Biblical knowledge. The contest is open to children, youth, as well as adults. The main purpose to the contest is for all participants to learn more of THE WORD OF GOD and in doing so, draw nearer to HIM.

Contestants will study the books/chapters of the Bible for their age group, learn several verses, and then take a written exam to test their Biblical knowledge.





The contest has 2 categories:

(Contestants may participant in one or both branches of the contest.)



  1. CLASSIC Version: Contestants will study the books/chapters of the Bible for their age group, learn several verses, and then take a written exam to test their Biblical knowledge. The 2023 – 2024 school year will have the following as focus of study:


  • 2nd – 3rd grade: Luke, Daniel 1 – 6
  • 4th – 5th grade: Luke, Daniel 1 – 6, Jude
  • 6th – 7th grade: Luke, Isaiah 1, 53, 55, 58, Titus
  • 8th – 9th grade: Luke, Proverbs 13 – 18, 2 John
  • 10th – 11th grade: Luke, James, Psalms (book III) 73 – 89
  • 12th grade – age 24: Luke, James, Psalms (book III) 73 – 89
  • Adults age 25+ : Luke, James, Psalms (book III) 73 – 89


***Every age group will have a list of 10 verses to learn***

Bible verses to memorize English (PDF)




All Ages: 1 Timothy 1 – 6 (113 verses)

1 Timothy NIV English



  • Contestants may participate in one or both versions of the contest
  • We will be using the NIV Bible for English and Traducerea Cornilescu for Romanian
  • The contest rules are already established by the organization in Romania and we will follow them.
  • There may be multiple persons who win 1st, 2nd, or 3rd place. These contestants then move on to the next phase – state-wide, national, and international.
  • Participants will be from other church in Chicago, Missouri, Texas, and Canada.
  • Contest dates:

Church Level: April 13, 2024

Regional Level: April 27, 2024

National Level: June 22, 2024

International Level: August 10, 2024




  • Meetings will be held in which Coaches will assign reading, provide accountability, and support until the contest dates. They will ask kids questions, play games, etc. and encourage kids to be serious about home study time.
  • More information about who the coaches are and when meetings will be held will be announced in the near future.


For more information and sign ups:

Ruth Malutan 773-754-5335

Ligia Varga 312-231-8087



Click here to download the Talantul in Negot PowerPoint


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